Letter of Commitment

Names of the characters are hiddden for the personal matters.

Its 20th March 2018. The day, I signed my Letter of Commitment in the college.

Yesterday(19th March) was a day full of nightmares with a lot of pressure and tension. Yesterday, I was caught by the college adminstration for violating the rules and regulations of the college and going against the college's Code of Conduct. Actually, the main reason for this violation was making unnecessary noise in the class.

Let me begin, I would like to introduce Section F1 of Management Faculty of Uniglobe College to you all. The most interesting class in whole Uniglobe College. Its not a class of friends, its like a family where each and everyone have the support of whole class. It was a regular day and we passed 2 periods(i.e: economics and accountancy) and it was time for the lunch break. As usual, I went out of class with Jack and had meetup with the friends of other sections and had a quick lunch too. Then, we came back to class and started the chit-chat with the friends. And then, me and Daniel started to tease Will about instagram posts and other related topics. We suddenly started to tease others with the same topics and then Will teased Jack by joing his name with Olivia and then Jack called Robert whom they used to tease by joining the Olivia's name and then we teased him with Olivia's name. As in the first statement, our class is too supportive :), they started to give shout-out without any reason. And then, the moment comes when everyone joins us(the whole class). Everyone left their chatting/works to join us in the shout-out. And the mexican waves starts with boom and bang on the desk. Everytime someone was creating a funny topic and rest were busy giving the shout-out with the boom and bang.

Some of the topics were:-
Jack's Naked Sport
Smith's Beard
Will's Instagram
Peter's (Panipuri)

And then the Messenger Boy of our college enters into our room and still there was no difference, everyone was giving him a shout-out. And the same incident happens with the Co-ordinator. And then, DI(Discipline Incharge) enters into our room. The moment he enters into our room, the whole room becomes silent.

The moment of nightmares

And then, the search for the guilty starts. The DI warns each and everyone for several times to get up whoever that was, noone dares to stand for that crime. And then he warns us that he would check the CCTV Footage and punish the guilty ones. With a lot of fear, I dare to stand and bear a part for that crime suddenly another one stands and then another one and then another one, after a while about ten students comes out for that crime but still some of the guilty ones were hiding inside the room so that they can escape this tsunami. And then, the combo of all disasters comes at the moment with a rapid pace from the hand of DI (bang-boom-bang). A special treatment was provided to us by our Discipline Incharge.He warns again and lets us to move to our class. It was like a moment with dreadful nightmares. After that, its our computer period(my favourite one) but there comes a cyclone into my life, a teacher enters into our class with a paper and directly comes to me and asks my name and asks to show the photo on that paper which consists the photos of all the students of our class. I told my name and directed towards my photo. After that, he starts to collect name of other 5 students. Suddenly, Program Director of our College enters into our room and order us to carry our bag and follow him towards the Faculty Room. We followed him to the faculty room and he shows our mistake but some of the unnecessary faculty members starts to give their unnecessary opinions towards our crime.

i.e.The noise made by us was disturbing the environment as well as students of KMC(Are You Joking).

And then Mr. Program Director commands us to carry our bags and follow DI to his office. We followed DI towards his office and DI asks us to write our name and parent's contact no. in his diary and warns us that we are black-listed in his diary. After that, he asks the number of my father and give a quick call but the call was unable to connect and then he tries again and he succeed. He talks about the incident with my father and tells that he would be unable to keep me as a student in that college if these sort of activities repeats itself and then he asks my father to send a relative of mine as gaurdian to have a talk about my role in the incident. DI warns me that if no-one arrives as gaurdian of mine then its useless to be present at college(better stay at home i.e. college suspension). And then, DI told me to move towards my hostel. I went outside of the block and suddenly John comes along with me and tells that he was there to check the contact no. of his parents but later on he moves out of the college without submitting the contact no. And then, we waits for the rest of the friends, after a while they comes out and starts to discuss about today's incident. We all were amazed that the result of making noise can be so bad that it can even result as suspension from the college. We stays there for about half an hour and waits for the college to be over. After the college is over everyone comes out,and then everyone asks about the incident. After a while, we walk out of the college premises and walk towards ur home, on the way towards our home we discussed about the whole incident. After I reached my hostel, I took a quick lunch. And then, I had a phone call from my father; simply totally devastating my feelings. It was such a small issue but it resulted as a crime. For about half-an-hour, I was on phone with my parents. And then, It was about 12:25 and then me with one of my friends moved towards my tution class. And then, the rest of the things went as usual. My father called me on messenger and told me that he requested the warden of my hostel to visit my college for the next day. As usual, I went to sleep after a while.

20th March
A day full of fear. I woke up had my morning activities as usual and then prepares everyting that I need and moved towards my college. I was going to the college alone on that day cause my friends were unable to attend the college. Me with a lot of different mind-sets walking alone in the street. I was assuming the near future how would it be. And then, I reached my college in about 15 mins and directly went up to my room and sits on my bench. And then, DI of our college enters into our room and calls out my name at first, without any obligations I moved out of the class carrying my bag along with 2 of my friends. He tells us to move towards the Library. We moved towards the library and sits there and starts to complete our remaining class/homeworks. And then again, DI enters into library and calls out my name and ask me to follow him. I followed him to the basketball court where Program Director was standng. And then, Program Director asks me to follow him towards the Reception where the warden of my hostel was waiting for us. And then, Program Director starts complaning about me and arns me for the final time and asks me to move towards the office of DI to sign the Letter of Commitment. After I reached the office of DI, he asks me to read the Letter of Undertaken and sign it. And then, I filled up the gaps and signed it and submitted to the DI. And then, he told me to move towards the class. And then, I went to library and packed my bag and moved towards my class.

Thank You for giving your precious time for this article.

If there is any errors in the article, I am sorry for it.
